Drumming-up New Business

The phrase ‘drumming-up new business’ refers to an old tradition where drums were used to call people to action – often in military settings. With today’s more reliable forms of communication, the phrase lacks much meaning, but is still used.

Unlike melodic musical instruments, each drum is extremely limited in the range of sonic tones it can produce. Once tuned, about the only thing I can do is strike it with a stick to make the head resonate and produce a sound. Since virtually any two-year old can do this, drummers have been the butt of many jokes (check out www.drumjokes.com).

August drums
Meet August; he belongs to my lead singer/guitarist!

After 20 years of playing; I can tell you that the secret to playing drums is strikingly similar to the secrets of good sales – it’s all in timing and connecting with others.

We must know the precise moment to hit any one of our particular drums or cymbals as it relates to the rest of the music being played. Salespeople must not only judge when customers are ready to buy, but also what they are ready to buy. Move too quickly, too slowly, play too loud, not loud enough, or offer the wrong product – and we are likely to get a bad reputation instead of the sale.

Like drummers, many salespeople are technically skilled. They practice until they have memorized the process; ask appropriate questions and manage the delicate process of making sales happen. However, the truly successful ones are those who seem to operate by feel alone. They connect with people and without following a script; and keep perfect rhythm with clients – often making incredible things happen.

Though I am not necessarily looking to put together the next Rock-n-Roll Super-group; I am currently seeking a couple new-client partnerships.

One response to “Drumming-up New Business”

  1. You wrote, “However, the truly successful ones are those who seem to operate by feel alone.”

    These people have very strong intution and sixth sense.

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