Recommended Reading

To help make our ventures together more successful; I find that it helps to have similar frames of reference. Here is my pre-selected list of books that I commonly use as reference. Through these, and many other titles; the knowledge of the world truly is in the palm of your hand.

strengths finder

This book grants access to the Clifton Strengths Assessment, and determines your Top 5 Strengths and a common language for amplifying the strengths of others.

whale done

Learn the techniques used for training Killer Whales. These have already built several world-class organizations; imagine what it can do for yours!

good to great

Good is the enemy of Great. Learn what makes some businesses make the jump – and sustain it.


This collection of time-proven short stories explains the fundamentals of how to be financially independent.

think and grow rich

Our thoughts and attitudes determine far more about our successes than hard work ever will.

Click here for a more diverse library of books I highly recommend  Library for Success.